Currently, there are two major groups in the furdom, fursuiters, and non-fursuiters. Find Out What Type of Furry You Areīesides answering questions like ‘Am I a furry?’ the quiz identifies your fursona type. Some of the fandom members have reviewed the questions and results to ensure they are respectful and accurate. It is genuine because we did our best to include only the most reliable information. However, our quiz uses the community guidelines and factors to expose your real fursona-if you have it already. That is because the standards are not set in stone. It is challenging to know if you are an anthropomorphic animal lover or not. And here is everything you learn by taking our ‘Am I a Furry?’ test. It is a set of 20 super-relatable questions to discover your fursona, your alter-ego in animal form.īut you know how it is on QuizExpo we offer much more than Yes-or-No results.
The Ultimate Furry Quiz is the latest tool to help fresh furdom members. Start Quiz A Test That Proves if You Are a Furry (or NOT)